Fixing the Issues with American Politics

Fixing the Issues with American Politics Is American politics in disarray? According to a recent survey of Harvard Business School graduates, the answer may be yes, and the unstable political climate may be one of the biggest dangers to American competitiveness. Wajid khan Mp says In a poll on American competitiveness, alumni were asked about 17 aspects of the business climate, and 60 percent of them responded that the "efficacy of the political system" was poorer in the US than in other advanced nations. Only the "complexity of the tax code" was evaluated more negatively, receiving low scores from 61% of those polled. What justifies their worry? According to studies on the American political system, there are currently more significant differences between the two competing views of government in Congress than ever before. Many people in the media and Congress lament the overly ideological nature of the country's politics. As Wajid khan mentioned the co-cha...